We constantly warn our student athletes to watch what they post on the internet, specifically with the kind of language they use and photos that they post.  Their social media sites are a representation of them as a person, and they in turn are a representation of our program.  Meaning that our program could gain a negative image in someone's head solely because one "mistake" or "joke" that an individual posts.
    At the same time social media networks allow for college athletes to interact with athletes from a different university as well as give them the opportunity to feel like they are on the same social level as professional athletes.  For example, with my new twitter account I will have the chance to retweet a post of my
Kyle Wise
5/22/2013 04:47:07 pm

I am in complete agreement with you about the carelessness of young athletes and social media. A lot of this is due to the fact that a lot of college athletes are still kids in many regards. Some have yet to understand that being part of a team means that their actions hold greater weight than just their own and they really never know who is reading what they publish for all to see.

It also doesn't help student athletes when they see their favorite professional athlete engaging in an argument with another athlete publicly over Twitter or some other social media avenue. A lot of these young adults look up to these professional athletes because they are where they want to be. When student athletes see professionals get away with crude or classless statements over Twitter without repercussions they think that they can do the same thing.

At the beginning of every year we do the same thing and counsel and warn our new players about what they put out on the internet because you never know who follows the person who retweets or favorites your comment.


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    Matt Souza, 25 years old.  Assistant Baseball Coach- Fresno Pacific University.
    PHIL 4:13


    June 2013
    May 2013

